Monday, June 16, 2008

Science Experiment In The Office

I apologize if I'm grossing anyone out but when I walked into my office this morning after 10 days away I was simultaneoulsy revolted and amazed by what had grown in my coffee mug in my absence. And I drink my coffee black so that's even freakier (seems like the milk/cream and sugar would give it more nutrients to thrive on. But what do I know - I'm not a biologist.)

I walked over to the kitchen to dump it out and of course, there was a whole band of engineers hanging out, getting their morning fix and chatting. I tried to hide the mug (conveniently, one of S's science mugs) but as I approached the sink, they noticed it. I braced myself for well deserved ridicule, "Dude! Nasty stuff! Wash that *&^&%$ before you leave for the west coast next time, will ya?" But it didn't materialize. Instead they were as intrigued as I was. I dumped it in the sink and left it for them to prod. I think I need some bleach to make that mug safe again. Perhaps I should toss it.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Um - gross.