Monday, August 06, 2007

Cycling the Vineyard

It's been over 10 years since I've ridden on the Vineyard. Last time was a metric century fundraiser. I don't remember much about that ride except for a killer head wind and the guy who sucked my wheel the entire time then with a burst of energy dusted me in the last mile. Ass&^%#.

Anyway, today's ride was way more pleasant. First tricky part was negotiating the 1/4 mile or so of sandy, dirt road from the Chappy Shack to the main road. Yes, I tried riding and while my bike handling skills are vastly improved, deep, loose sand and 20mm tires don't mix well. (Wish I had my 'cross bike....Wish I had my 'cross bike...).

Rolled up to the Chappaquiddick ferry trying to figure out the protocol of who gets on first, when I need to pay, how much, etc. without looking like a tourist (peds and cyclists get on first, $6 for a person with bike round-trip but you only pay going from Edgartown to Chappy). Walked on the ferry, they loaded up the max load of 3 cars and we all attempted to stay as far right as possible so the cars wouldn't either roll over our toes or the hit the bikes. Felt like it was going to be a tight squeeze but there was actually more room than I expected. The ferry shoved off and did its little ballet across the channel with the current trying to pirouette the little barge. There are actually two ferries, and they leave their respective docks simultaneously. I don't get tired of watching the two boats do their dance across the channel - almost looks like they're about to spin uncontrollably and at the last minute, the captain guns the engines, I brace for what I'm sure will be a hard impact into the dock, and a reverse thrust gently nudges us up to the car gangplank (albeit with a hard "thunk!" into the wooden walls funneling the ferry into the slip).

It was early morning in Edgartown, the crowds still eating breakfast, sleeping, anything but being out on the streets so I had the downtown pretty much to myself. I pedaled slowly through town, love the architecture here and then headed up Beach Road to Oak Bluffs. I was doing a good 25mph, patting myself on the back, "Hey! Rest days work! Look at me fly!" And then I saw the flags pegged in the direction I was headed. Ok, so I had a nice tailwind. Hmmmm...I'm not as good as I thought AND I was going to have a killer headwind on the way back.

Ended up spinning for a nice 30 mile ride through Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven, and West Tisbury. The beach routes were super pretty, not too much traffic and lots of cute coffee shops to stop at. Only problem - missed my riding partner. :(

On my way back, as the pavement ended on Chappy, I hopped off the bike just as a car was headed the opposite direction. The driver, a local, says, "You know....those tires just aren't going to work on these sand roads. You need big, knobby tires." I bit my tongue ("No s&$%, Sherlock!") thanked him, and repeated my mantra, "Wish I had my 'cross bike!"

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