Sunday, August 26, 2007

Habits Entertwined

Far be it from me, "Habit Girl", to make fun of someone with unusual rituals. Probably my most precious routine is my morning one. And one of the things I love about it is how George makes it all that much more interesting.

Here's how it starts off:

  1. Out of bed by 5:30
  2. Brush teeth
  3. Turn off alarm
  4. Stagger downstairs, head for kitchen
  5. Say hi to Sam on rug in front of sink
  6. Set up coffee
  7. Remove "monsters" and "flats" from cat feed bowl
Yeah - you read that right. Little George has the habit of putting his favorite cat toys in his feed bowl. Usually this is limited to what we refer to as "Monsters" (look like fuzzy octopi) and "Flats" (flat fake mice).Sometimes he expands his collection to include fuzzy slippers, bikini tops and headless real mice. Every night, he puts 2-8 toys in his bowl and every morning I take them out and put them in his "toy box". The cat is just plain nuts but it puts a little zing in my morning routine.

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