Sunday, February 24, 2008

Winter Riding - Inside

I couldn't take it anymore - the trainer was killing me with boredom. Generally, I can keep myself occupied for 1.5 - 2 hrs. I can even tolerate Coach Troy. But given that I have trouble focusing in general, I would really space out on a trainer. Looking for a bit more excitement, I decided to switch to rollers. I didn't think S would appreciate me throwing a set of rollers in one of the upstairs hallways so decided to go for the new e-motion rollers from (a.k.a. rollers for idiots). These rollers float inside a frame on giant elastics so the bike is allowed more movement and really does feel like riding on the road. It's also way easier to stand out of the saddle and sprint (I would definitely biff it big time doing that on normal rollers.) I'm really enjoying the challenge of learning something new. I've done about 50 miles or so on them so far and it's making my inside training way more fun.

The new rollers also inspired us to clean up the basement a bit and put down a new workout floor in the area we've been using as our mini gym. Almost finished - just waiting for the bevel edges pieces of the flooring to be delivered.


Cathy said...

I heard a rumor that you got two sets of these. Jeff tried to give me the hard sell on them yesterday.

What's with all this freakin snow? I just want to be riding my bike OUTSIDE! I think I'm ready to cry "uncle"...

Hope to see you both soon.

Cathy said...


That's the same flooring we put in our basement and we love it! You have given me a good idea on what to do with all those numbers though!