Tuesday, July 11, 2006

First Day With No Plans

Despite the fact that I've been on sabbatical for over two weeks now, today was the first day I experienced with no plans. Actually, I did have a plan when I woke up. Go out for a run and meet two of my sailing buddies for a few hours on the harbor. But the Big Dig struck again. Tragically, a section of the concrete ceiling in one of the tunnels collapsed last night killing a woman. Billions of dollars spent and the stoooopit tunnels leak and now collapse. Needless to say, traffic in downtown Boston was horrific today which coupled with the forecasted thunderstorms for the afternoon made us call it off.

So I found myself this morning, at 8:30am, post-run with nothing to do! I thought ever so briefly about doing some house work, putting another coat of paint on the French doors or maybe even starting the graphics for Rocket. While sitting there staring at my feet, I realized what I really needed to do was get a pedicure. And of course, once your feet look nice, it's good to treat them to some new shoes (in this case running shoes).
And then I went to the farmer's market to grab a couple jars of pickles (the spicy ones are wonderful.) I'm starting to really like having nothing to do.

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