Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Hate March

Woke up this morning to yet another coating of snow on the grass and a frozen drizzle, sleet, nastiness raining down from the sky. The workout plan for today called for 2.5 hours at endurance pace with a few townline sprints thrown in the first hour.


Headed to the basement for a few hours of fun on the rollers. I tried music, I tried TV, I tried imagining chasing down the leader in a mtb race. The only thing I didn't try was putting on a headset and phoning friends, family, anyone who could keep me from being bored. I really need better weather.

After finishing that, headed upstairs for my smoothie and toast. I was reading VeloNews while eating my breakfast and came across this ad on the left.

Ok - I'll ride rollers for hours and won't complain if it means I'll ride (and look!) like Gunn-Rita. :)

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