Saturday, March 01, 2008

Stop The Madness!

I'm so DONE with the snow. Even me, who would love to be out snowboarding today had to take a pass due to dealing with taxes, bills and other way fun stuff around the house including shoveling 6 inches of the sloggy mess. At least we got a snowman out of it. If only he had a brain, he could do my taxes. I REALLY despise this time of year. The weather makes me crazy and I have to face the reality of how many $$$ I let W waste. Grrrrr....

And the snow....early this morning I could hear the plows going by which led to my nightmare of being stuck on the cruise ship in a snow storm. As I tried to get out of the snow, I was lost below deck as I searched to find the gym. Geez.....

In order to cheer up, I signed up for my first bike race of the season, The King of Burlingame MTB Time Trial. April 6th. A month away. Better get riding.

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