Sunday, March 02, 2008

Rollers Are A Contact Sport

Who knew? Today we opted for a workout on the new rollers. S and I have our rollers set up side by side with about a 3 foot space in between. Eighteen minutes into the workout, we're both imagining warm weather, nice beaches and palm trees while watching Step Into Liquid on DVD. Out of the corner of my eye, I see S swerve and hear, "Whoa! Uh oh!" Wham! She flies off the rollers to her right and takes me out off my rollers. We both just sat there for a few second, took injury status (we were both fine) and then started laughing. Thankfully, the new rubber floor cushioned our falls a bit. We still haven't figured out exactly what happened. She thinks she simply forgot she was on rollers, started looking around a bit and then just lost it.

I did discover a bit later that my bike bit me as I fell on it. Damn Ankle Biter! Got a bruise inside my knee as well. I'm almost feeling like it really IS mountain bike season. I've been missing my collection of bruises and cuts. :)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I think I'll bring my trainer with me tomorrow after reading that story ;-).

You missed a good ride yesterday - it was just nice being outside in the sun an going SOMEWHERE!