Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Ride

Sometimes it is just SO GOOD to simply go out and ride. No computers, no hrms, no plans, nada. All the travel this spring has pretty much thrown a brick wall into my training and racing. As Randy Pausch has said, brick walls are put there to simply see how badly you want something. And sure, if I really wanted to ride while on traveling on business or vacation, I would have found a way. I've flown my bike to CA before and done some great rides after work at my SJ office.

Lately, instead of trying to tear down that particular brick wall, I've been looking at the opportunities presented by taking the long way around instead. This weekend, instead of going out on a hard, training hammer ride, I opted to ride with S and PFFC. Due to S's knee surgery, I was warned it would be slow, easy and not that far (her max right now is about 45 miles). But, she did promise it would include at least one ice cream stop. :) Hmmmm....hammer ride on my own or doing the ice cream loop with the girls who taught me how to ride. No brainer. Did the ice cream loop and had a awesome time. Spectacular weather, mocha oreo at Great Brook Farm, a stop at "The Bench" in Concord with Dunkin' iced coffee followed by some great new beer from Lucky Kat from Magic Hat once we reached home. Perfect ride, perfect day.

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