Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm Annoyed

I really want to wear my new Shoes of Summer. I really, really, really do. I even have the pedicure to match. And despite the fact that it's f*&^%$ almost May, our weather looks like this:

This is making it incredibly difficult to stick with THE PLAN. Tomorrow I'll either go ride in the snow or take out my frustration on the new spin bikes at BSC. Speaking of BSC, one of the things I love about working out there is all the windows and light. One end of the gym is three stories of all glass. As I walked over to that side of the gym, I happened to look outside and there's a major snow squall happening. Tons of tiny flakes, blowing every which way and heaven help me, actually coating the ground. "Nooooooooooooooo!" I didn't realize I actually said that out loud until the guy doing crunches near me stopped, shook his head and muttered, "Just don't look. It's easier that way."

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