Thursday, October 04, 2007

Titanium Meets Steel

After 20+ years of riding thousands of miles, it finally happened. I was hit by a car. :( Headed out Wednesday morning to do my 'cross workout. I decided to warm up for 15 min on Mass Ave so headed from home to Arlington Heights and back. Shortly after Wilson Farms a woman passed me and then made a sudden right turn right in front me as she turned into a school driveway to drop off her kids. No signal, nada. I was ALMOST able to stop in time and tried to jump the curb but couldn't quite make it. My front wheel made it up but the back of the bike got whacked good by the high, granite curb.

The driver and a few others stopped. Once I reassured everyone that I was fine (skinned elbow) I told them I was way more worried about my new bike. They, of course, thought I was totally nuts, but watched me put Orange Crush through a thorough inspection. Shifted fine, levers looked good, brakes - fine, wheels - true - it all looks good! Happy dance! The driver and I didn't even trade info since it appeared to be no harm no foul (lesson for next time - take info anyway!)

I continued up Mass Ave to do my 'cross workout at a small park near my house. About 40 minutes into the workout as I jammed on the pedals on an uphill section, I hear "CRACK! CLANG!" and the pedals lock up. Apparently, a piece of the derailleur snapped, the pulleys broke off and contined around the chain. Noooooooooooooooooo! Guess it must have taken quite a shot against that curb.

Hiked the 1/2 mile home pushing the bike, wondering if I was going to have race Saturday on Mr. Surly. Fortunately, the great guys over at the Loft had a Force derailleur in stock and threw it on in 15 min while I waited.

Happy ending but damn, that was too close for comfort. Ride smart out there.

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