Thursday, May 17, 2007

Nice People Rule!

Dreary, drizzle, 45 degree morning here in Boston. I have a bunch of weekend plans that don't include riding so I figured I'd get some miles in this morning. I've ridden in worse, no biggie, it'll be great once I'm out there....yada yada yada. Definitely a beanie and bootie kind of ride. While pumping up my rear tire, I noticed the valve acting a bit funky - leaking a bit of air when I screwed on the valve cap. Hmmm....weird...oh, well, let's leave the cap off. Seemed ok that way. Famous last words.

The weather deteriorated the further and further I rode from Lexington. By the time I hit the top of Strawberry Hill 15 miles into the ride, there was a steady drizzle coming down. worries...everything was fine. Jamming down the fun downhill section on Pope St. I start feeling something a little weird with the back wheel. Eh. Whatever. Another 1/2 mile and I look down at the wheel, and yeah, I had to admit it, it was flat. Pita!

I seem to be doing a lot of this lately so fortunately I'm setting new records at fixing a flat. That came in super handy this morning as my fingers were losing feeling when I took the gloves off. So I got it fixed and finished up a 30 mile ride

But the best part, in the brief time I changing out the tube, no less than four (4!) drivers stopped to help, offered me a ride and their sympathy! Nice people rule!

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